Flower Section: Chrysanthemums |
Class 1 | Three single break spray Chrysanthemums in one vase. | 1. () [1st] |
Class 2 | One specimen Chrysanthemums | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st] |
Class 3 | Three incurved Chrysanthemums | 1. () [1st] |
Class 4 | Three intermediate Chrysanthemums | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st] |
Class 5 | Three reflex Chrysanthemums | 1. () [1st] |
Class 6 | One vase of mixed Chrysanthemums | 1. () [1st] |
Flower Section: Dahlias |
Class 7 | Three vases of three dahlias(any size)prize money 1st £5,2nd £3, 3rd £2 for class 7 only) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () , 6. () [3rd] |
Class 8 | Three miniature or pom pom dahlias under 52mm diameter | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st], 4. () |
Class 9 | Three small cactus or semi cactus | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () [2nd], 6. () |
Class 10 | Three small decorative dahlias | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () , 6. () [1st], 7. () |
Class 11 | Three medium cactus or semi cactus | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [3rd], 4. () [1st], 5. () , 6. () [2nd], 7. () |
Class 12 | Three decorative medium dahlias | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () [2nd], 4. () , 5. () [1st], 6. () |
Class 13 | Three large or giant dahlias | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () , 6. () , 7. () [1st], 8. () [2nd] |
Class 14 | A bowl of mixed dahlias arranged for all round effect | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st], 3. () |
Class 15 | Three ball small or miniature type dahlias | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () [3rd], 5. () [2nd] |
Flower Section: General Flowers |
Class 16 | Top Vase class (See Rules) (Prize Money 1st-£10, 2nd-£5, 3rd-£3) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () |
Class 17 | Three stems of sunflowers | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 18 | Three gladioli | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () [3rd], 5. () |
Class 19 | Potted orchid | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 20 | Potted fuchsia | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd] |
Class 21 | Vase mixed flowers | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd] |
Class 22 | One flowering pot plant | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () [2nd], 4. () [1st], 5. () |
Class 23 | One foliage pot plant | 1. () , 2. () [3rd], 3. () [1st], 4. () [2nd] |
Class 24 | Six sweet peas | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 25 | Four roses - named and different | 1. () [1st] |
Class 26 | Six roses - as grown | 1. () , 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st], 4. () [3rd] |
Class 27 | One specimen rose - named | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () |
Class 28 | One floribunda stem | 1. () [1st] |
Class 29 | The same rose in 3 stages of open (bud, intermediate, fully open) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 30 | One Gentleman's buttonhole - rose (Prize Money for classes 31 to 33 - 1st-£6, 2nd-£4, 3rd-£3) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [3rd] |
Class 31 | Autumn Harmony (An arrangement not to exceed 20" wide) | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 32 | Melonie (An arrangement not to exceed 12" wide) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 33 | An arrangement Afternoon Tea | 1. () [1st] |
Class 34 | A bunch of flowers in a Jam Jar (CHILDREN 5 YEARS AND UNDER) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st], 3. () [3rd] |
Class 35 | A display in a pint glass milk bottle (CHILDREN 6 TO 10 YEARS) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd] |
Class 36 | A collage of different leaves (CHILDREN 11 TO 16 YEARS) |
Class 37 | Floating flower heads(CHILDREN 16 YEARS AND UNDER) | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st] |
Farmers Section |
Class 38 | Sample of barley | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 39 | Six ears of wheat | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 40 | Two fodder beets - tops off | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 41 | A carrier bag of silage | 1. () [1st] |
Class 42 | Hay sample - in a carrier bag | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 42A | Four field potatoes unwashed | 1. () [1st], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [2nd] |
Vegetable Section |
Class 43 | One bloom, one vegetable | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () [1st] |
Class 44 | Top tray - Prize money 1st-£10, 2nd-£5, 3rd-£3 | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd] |
Class 45 | Heaviest onion – as grown | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () |
Class 46 | Three spring sown onions – as grown | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st] |
Class 47 | Three spring sown onions – dressed | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st] |
Class 48 | Three onions – from sets – dressed | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 48A | Two garden or allotment grown leeks | 1. () [1st] |
Class 49 | Two trench leeks | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd] |
Class 50 | Two pot leeks (no more than 15cm to first leaf) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () [1st] |
Class 51 | Three separate vegetables (one of each - 5 mile radius of Masham) | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () [2nd], 6. () , 7. () , 8. () |
Class 52 | One cabbage - round green | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [3rd], 4. () |
Class 53 | A garlic bulb as grown | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [3rd], 3. () , 4. () [1st] |
Class 54 | One red cabbage | 1. () [1st] |
Class 55 | Any other vegetable | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [2nd], 5. () [3rd], 6. () [1st], 7. () , 8. () |
Class 56 | Four eating apples | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () , 6. () [2nd], 7. () , 8. () [3rd] |
Class 57 | Four white potatoes | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () [3rd], 5. () , 6. () [2nd] |
Class 58 | Four coloured potatoes | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () [3rd] |
Class 59 | Three beetroot - round | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd], 4. () , 5. () [3rd], 6. () |
Class 60 | Three carrots - stump rooted tops off | 1. () [1st], 2. () |
Class 61 | Three carrots - long tops off | 1. () [1st] |
Class 62 | Two peppers | 1. () [1st], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 63 | Six shallots - undressed | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st], 3. () |
Class 64 | Four courgettes | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st] |
Class 65 | One cucumber | 1. () , 2. () [3rd], 3. () [1st], 4. () [2nd], 5. () |
Class 66 | One vegetable marrow - table (not to exceed 15" length | 1. () [1st], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 67 | Heaviest marrow - as grown | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st], 3. () , 4. () [3rd] |
Class 68 | Three separate vegetables - one of each kind | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [3rd], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () [1st], 6. () |
Class 69 | One vegetable (LADIES ONLY) any variety | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () [3rd], 5. () |
Class 70 | Six runner beans | 1. () [1st], 2. () , 3. () , 4. () , 5. () [2nd], 6. () , 7. () |
Class 71 | Six french beans | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [3rd] |
Class 71a | Ugly or Wonky Vegetable or Fruit | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [1st], 4. () |
Class 72 | Children's vegetable (GROWN BY 16 YEARS AND UNDER) | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () [3rd], 6. () [2nd] |
Class 73 | Children's fruit (GROWN BY 16 YEARS AND UNDER) | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () [1st] |
Class 74 | Six tomatoes | 1. () , 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () [1st], 6. () , 7. () , 8. () , 9. () [3rd] |
Class 75 | Six cherry tomatoes | 1. () [1st], 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [2nd], 5. () , 6. () , 7. () , 8. () , 9. () , 10. () , 11. () , 12. () , 13. () , 14. () , 15. () , 16. () [3rd], 17. () |
Class 76 | Five cooking apples | 1. () , 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () [3rd], 5. () , 6. () [1st] |
Class 77 | A potato grown in a 2 gallon container - Heaviest crop | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 77A | Best Masham allotment belonging to Masham Allotment Association |
Photography |
Class 78 | Colour print -Reflections | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () , 4. () , 5. () , 6. () , 7. () , 8. () , 9. () [2nd], 10. () [1st], 11. () , 12. () , 13. () , 14. () , 15. () , 16. () , 17. () , 18. () , 19. () , 20. () , 21. () , 22. () , 23. () , 24. () [3rd] |
Class 79 | Colour print - The weather | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () , 4. () , 5. () , 6. () , 7. () , 8. () , 9. () [3rd], 10. () , 11. () [2nd], 12. () , 13. () , 14. () , 15. () , 16. () , 17. () [1st] |
Class 80 | Colour print - Macro nature | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () , 6. () , 7. () [1st], 8. () [2nd], 9. () , 10. () , 11. () , 12. () , 13. () , 14. () , 15. () , 16. () , 17. () , 18. () , 19. () , 20. () |
Class 81 | Colour print - My family (CHILDREN AGED 5 TO 10 YEARS) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st] |
Class 82 | Colour print - Sport (CHILDREN AGED 11 TO 16 YEARS) |
Class 83 | Handwriting (5 years and under) Write your First Name (Handwriting on unlined paper of your choice.) | 1. () , 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st], 4. () [3rd], 5. () |
Class 84 | Handwriting (6 to 8 years) Eight lines of your choice from any storybook (Handwriting on unlined paper of your choice.) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () |
Class 85 | Handwriting (9 to 11 years) Twelve lines of your choice from any storybook (Handwriting on unlined paper of your choice.) | 1. () , 2. () [1st] |
Class 86 | Handwriting (12 to 16 years) Fourteen lines of poetry of your choice. | 1. () [1st], 2. () |
Class 87 | Colour a pre printed picture with colouring pencils (5 years and under) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [2nd], 4. () , 5. () |
Class 88 | An edible necklace (10 years and under) | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [1st], 5. () , 6. () , 7. () [2nd] |
Class 89 | A miniature garden (10 years and under) | 1. () [1st], 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [2nd], 5. () [3rd] |
Class 90 | An item made from a cereal box (10 years and under) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () |
Class 91 | A decorated welly (6 to 10 years) | 1. () [1st], 2. () , 3. () [3rd], 4. () [2nd], 5. () |
Class 92 | A lego model (16 years and under) | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () , 4. () , 5. () , 6. () , 7. () [3rd], 8. () , 9. () [2nd], 10. () [1st], 11. () |
Class 93 | Draw in any medium an animated tv character 16 years and under) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () , 6. () [3rd], 7. () , 8. () |
Class 94 | Design your own Emoji (16 years and under) | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () [2nd], 4. () [1st], 5. () |
Class 95 | Make a Book Mark (16 years and under) | 1. () [1st], 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [2nd], 5. () , 6. () , 7. () [3rd] |
Class 95A | Acorn's Pre-School |
Handicrafts |
Class 96a | Picture in water colour or oil | 1. () [1st] |
Class 96b | Picture in any other medium (not watercolour or oil) |
Class 97 | Picture in any medium (16 years and under) | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [1st], 5. () , 6. () [2nd], 7. () , 8. () [3rd], 9. () |
Class 98 | An item of Cross Stitch or counted thread work | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () , 6. () |
Class 99 | Make a halloween party invitation (16 years and under) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st] |
Class 100 | A picture made from Hamma beads (10 years and under) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () , 6. () , 7. () , 8. () [3rd], 9. () , 10. () , 11. () |
Class 101 | A painted stone (10 years and under) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () [3rd], 6. () , 7. () , 8. () |
Class 102a | Any other handicraft (10 years and under) | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () [2nd], 4. () [1st], 5. () |
Class 102b | Any other handicraft (11-16 years) | 1. () [1st] |
Class 103 | Any item machine or hand sewn | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st] |
Class 104 | A decorated wine bag | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () [2nd], 4. () [1st] |
Class 105 | A handcrafted greetings card | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd] |
Class 106 | Any item of knitting or crocheting | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () [3rd], 6. () |
Class 107 | Any other handicraft (including rugs, woodwork) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () [3rd] |
Class 108 | Make a bug hotel | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () , 4. () [3rd], 5. () |
Class 109 | A Day at the Races (An exhibit to include 2 produce, 2 handicraft items and a flower arrangement on a table 30) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st], 3. () [3rd] |
Preserves (All jars should not be less than 1/2 lb) |
Class 110 | Jar of raspberry jam | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () [2nd], 6. () , 7. () , 8. () , 9. () |
Class 111 | Jar of strawberry jam | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () [2nd] |
Class 112 | Jar of marmalade | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [2nd], 5. () , 6. () [3rd], 7. () [1st], 8. () |
Class 113 | Jar of lemon curd | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [1st], 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () , 6. () , 7. () , 8. () , 9. () |
Class 114 | Jar of blackcurrant jam | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st], 4. () |
Class 115 | Jar of any other jam | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [2nd], 5. () [1st], 6. () , 7. () , 8. () , 9. () , 10. () |
Class 116 | Jar of jelly - named | 1. () , 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () [3rd] |
Class 117 | Jar of chutney | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [2nd], 4. () [3rd], 5. () , 6. () , 7. () , 8. () [1st] |
Class 117A | A home-made cordial | 1. () [1st], 2. () [3rd], 3. () , 4. () [2nd] |
Cookery |
Class 118 | Home-made bread - Any style, type, flavour | 1. () , 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st], 4. () [3rd] |
Class 119 | A 6” pizza (MEN AND BOYS ONLY) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () , 4. () [3rd], 5. () , 6. () , 7. () , 8. () , 9. () , 10. () [1st] |
Class 120 | A sally lunn bun - iced with no fruit (MEN AND BOYS ONLY) | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () [3rd], 4. () [1st] |
Class 121 | 4 fruit scones | 1. () [3rd], 2. () , 3. () [1st], 4. () [2nd], 5. () , 6. () , 7. () |
Class 122 | 4 shortbread biscuits | 1. () [2nd], 2. () , 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () [1st], 6. () |
Class 123 | 4 pieces of traybake | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd], 4. () [3rd], 5. () |
Class 124 | Apple pie - pastry top and bottom ( ) | 1. () , 2. () [2nd], 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () [1st], 6. () |
Class 125 | Chocolate cake (not to be filled or iced) | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd], 4. () , 5. () [3rd] |
Class 126 | Fatless sponge (not to be filled or iced) | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () [3rd], 4. () [2nd], 5. () |
Class 127 | 4 meringues | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 128 | Victoria sandwich - jam filled and caster sugar dusted | 1. () , 2. () [3rd], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () , 6. () [2nd], 7. () , 8. () [1st], 9. () |
Class 129 | A ginger cake | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [1st], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () , 6. () [2nd], 7. () , 8. () |
Class 130a | 4 jam tarts (CHILDREN 8 YEARS AND UNDER) | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [2nd], 4. () [1st] |
Class 130b | 4 flapjacks (CHILDREN 9 TO 16 YEARS) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [3rd] |
Class 131a | 2 decorated Gingerbread men (CHILDREN 8 YEARS AND UNDER) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd] |
Class 131b | 4 biscuits (CHILDREN 9 TO 16 YEARS) | 1. () [1st], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 132a | 4 butterfly buns (CHILDREN 8 YEARS AND UNDER) | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd], 4. () [3rd] |
Class 132b | 4 brownies (any flavour) (CHILDREN 9 TO 16 YEARS) | 1. () [3rd], 2. () [2nd], 3. () [1st] |
Class 133 | Date and walnut loaf | 1. () [1st], 2. () [3rd], 3. () [2nd], 4. () |
Class 134 | Any fruit or/and vegetable based cake | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () , 4. () [2nd], 5. () , 6. () , 7. () [3rd], 8. () |
Class 135 | A small flask of homemade soup | 1. () , 2. () [3rd], 3. () [1st], 4. () , 5. () , 6. () , 7. () , 8. () [2nd] |
Class 136 | A sweet pastry fruit flan | 1. () [1st], 2. () |
Class 137 | A bottle of fruit alcohol | 1. () , 2. () , 3. () [3rd], 4. () , 5. () [1st], 6. () , 7. () , 8. () [2nd] |
Class 138 | A savoury complete dish made from just 3 ingredients,(a dash of oil, herbs, spices and a small garni | 1. () [1st], 2. () [2nd] |
Class 139 | An individual dessert | 1. () , 2. () [1st], 3. () [2nd] |
Class 140 | Six eggs | 1. () [2nd], 2. () [3rd], 3. () , 4. () , 5. () [1st] |